======= [draft] Quick test-routing measurements regarding host graphs.camix.cm | InReMe Project ~ InReMe-yyyymmdd01 =======
debian Pastezone
Posting pst-id from cacty
posted at yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
expires: never
====== On : yyyymmdd ======
**__Measurement ID__**: InReMe-yyyymmdd01
===== Target : a host of the Graphs's Tool at CAMIX (AS328091) IXP =====
==== Host : graphs.camix.cm / ====
=== mtr (8) - a network diagnostic tool ===
== from AS30992 to AS328091 [AS15964] ==
// with ping (8) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts //
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' && \
ping -c5 graphs.camix.cm ; \
mtr -ew -c3 --ipinfo 0 graphs.camix.cm \
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' && \
ping -c5 graphs.camix.cm ; \
mtr -ew -c3 --ipinfo 1 graphs.camix.cm \
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' && \
ping -c5 graphs.camix.cm ; \
mtr -ew -c3 --ipinfo 2 graphs.camix.cm \
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' && \
ping -c5 graphs.camix.cm ; \
mtr -ew -c3 --ipinfo 3 graphs.camix.cm \
# from AS30992`
=== curl (1) - transfer a URL ===
== with ping (8) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts ==
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' && \
ping -c5 graphs.camix.cm ; \
curl https://graphs.camix.cm \
# from AS30992`
=== dig (1) - [advanced] DNS lookup utility ===
== DNS Record type SOA ==
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' ; \
dig +nsid +edns=0 camix.cm. soa @ ; \
# from AS30992`
== DNS Record type NS ==
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' ; \
dig +nsid +edns=0 graphs.camix.cm. ns @ ; \
# from AS30992`
== DNS Record type A ==
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' ; \
dig +nsid +edns=0 graphs.camix.cm. a @
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' ; \
dig +nsid +edns=0 graphs.camix.cm. a @ +short \
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc-3339='seconds' ; \
dig +nsid +edns=0 graphs.camix.cm. a @ +short ;
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc3339='seconds' && \
dig +nocmd +noall +answer +ttlid +nsid +multiline +edns=0 graphs.camix.cm. a @ +short ; \
# from AS30992`
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc3339='seconds' && \
dig +nocmd +noall +answer +ttlid +nsid +multiline +edns=0 graphs.camix.cm. a @ ; \
# from AS30992`
== DNS Record type PTR ==
cacty@shalom:~$ `date --rfc3339='seconds' && \
dig +nocmd +noall +answer +ttlid +nsid +multiline +edns=0 @ -x ;
# from AS30992`