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cmNOG Community - IPRS Blog Project

Community Blog Project - “IP Resource Stories”


31 May 2024

Meeting Report

Objective: Define the outline of a blog article to discuss the recent incident with regard to IPv4 addresses block 41.205/19.

We agree to:

  • Speak in French;
  • A duration of one hour;
  • Switch to the alternative virtual room (no sound return)

The working session quickly turns to an uncontrollable brainstorming; which quickly exhausts the hour… We begin, from this moment carefully adding about thirty minutes, with consensus promise to be more strict now; to the time control (Time Keeping). Which is still not enough…

Ideas Consensually Detained

Table of Consensually Approved Ideas - IPRS Blog / cmNOG Community (20240531)
IR-20240531.# Idea Observation
IR-20240531.1 Create a Blogging Heading under the title “IP Resource Stories”
IR-20240531.2 To write an introductory blog article to present important aspects of the recent history of the IP 41.205/19
IR-20240531.3 Create a generalist blog for the cmNOG
IR-20240531.4 At the same time, implement a pilot service model for monitoring IP number resources.
IR-20240531.5 Inquiring ANTIC about its responsibility to set up an IP number resource monitoring infrastructure.
IR-20240531.6 The blog can also be used as a snapshot/click (snapshots) publication space or as static views of the monitoring service
IR-20240531.7 Two vulnerabilities observed by the ASN_Tools tool 1) on the 2): (host: “3)) [confidential & responsible communication of notifications on observed vulnerabilities]
IR-20240531.8 Adding an instance of the ASN_Toolkit 4) application to the proposed monitoring service
IR-20240531.9 Some benefits of participation in Network Communities (NCPs) for software developers: (i) Identify, at source, the ideas for tools needed by the community; (ii) To make oneself useful and indispensable very quickly; (iii) join and/or participate in the discussions in the cmNOG may efficiently serve the development or career orientation of a software developer; (iv) …
IR-20240531.10 Establish 5) a MoU 6) with CyberStorm•mu 7)
IR-20240531.11 To form a cmNOG's team, with students, professionals and passionates, in order to work with CyberStorm•mu
IR-20240531.14 Request/Invite the IP Resource Holder to make a Return of Experience following the recent IPv4 Address Range Incident 41.205/19; during the Douala Peering Day (PDP) event.
IR-20240531.15 Conduct additional technical investigations in touch with the organisations involved (the IP Resource Holder & AFRINIC)
IR-20240531.16 At the same time, take the opportunity to highlight (relaunch AFRINIC) the commitment to participate collaboratively with the team of AFRINIC's Whois database as beta testers from the test instance of the Whois server (“”) team with NullDev.
IR-20240531.17 Colloborate for the development of blogging service through the initiative “IPRS Blog”.
IR-20240531.18 Meet again tomorrow (20240601) at 11:30 UTC +1
IR-20240531.19 Create an account, within the cmNOG wiki service, to NullDev for the drafting of blog articles (provide email address).


Thirty minutes to work on the introductory paper.

Title of the article: "..."

Article axes:

Axe1. Presentation of the Context of the History Treaty
Axe2. Comments (/ with illustration of comments)
Axe3. Interpretation of comments
Axe4. Reactions (including those of the parties involved)
Axe5. Lessons Learned
Axe6. Future works
Axe7. Article Brute Data: Incident Notification Email sent to the Resource Holder, …
Axe8. References

2) , 3)
& eventually Sign
Memorandum of Understanding
ideasandprojects/ideas/iprs_community_blog_project/meetings/20240531/en.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/01 08:36 by cacty