DIXIUP stands for Douala-IX Infrastructure Upgrade Project. It's a project funded by the Internet Society Foundation through its SPI (Sustainable Peering Infrastructure) grant program; under the grant ID: G-202307-12348.
This project is actually in its last reporting stage. The story focusses on an event organised; in order to “Raise awareness on the Local Peering acculturation need within the Cameroonian's Peering Community”.
When we started the project, we added the event gathering activity; even if we were noticed that, the SPI grant program was exclusively funding physical equipement for critical infrastructure such as IXPs.
First of all, the Team management of the DIXIUP project agreed on the need to raise additional funds; in order to be able to effectively raise awareness on the need to see more Peering agreement and the resulted BGP sessions, so that the Peering status of the country would get better.
We got a local sponsor who accepted to carry expenses of the event venue; including meal and drink.
When the OC (Organizing Committee) [1] started to organize the DPD (Douala Peering Day) [2], as that event was named, they didn't know that this one day event would become a real #CaPeeRoS [3] allowing to travel from Yaoundé to Douala, during five days (23-27 july 2024).
We obtained three results (think of outputs, outcomes and impacts); which are:
CaPeeRoS (CAmeroon #PEEring ROad Show) Results | ||
R# | CaPeeRoS Result | Observation |
R1 | Community-based idea [4] to apply for a grant which would provide fund needed to “Build a Sustainable Local Peering Community within Cameroon” | During a community immersion in Yaoundé; with the representative of Internet Society |
R2 | Recruitment of a General Operations Coordinator for CAMIX | during a Rendez-vous series with managers of some IXP's members and a the representative of Internet Society; in Yaoundé |
R3 | Visite of the Datacenter of ST DIGITAL; thus a discovery of the IXP Douala-IX | with various profils; such as the Chief HR of a Mobile Money enterprise, a car driver, a student in Network Engineering, a Staff of ST DIGITAL, the President & the Vice President of the #cmNOG and the representative of Internet Society; in Douala |
R4 | . | . |
[1]: OC is constituted of the Project Managing Team and the cmNOG's Board members.
[2]: <https://douala.peeringday.cm>
[3]: CaPeeRoS – CAmeroon #PEEring ROad Show
[4]: #ComBuildWS – COMmunity BUILDing Workshop Series; for the Local Peering & Interconnection Ecosystem within Cameroon – <https://www.cmnog.cm/dokuwiki/CAMIX:Ideas-And-Projects:Projects:ComBuildWS_Project_Cameroon-Peering-Community>
Glory to THE Almighty LORD! We are thankful to all those who actively contributed to the success of the many parts of the #DIXIUP project.